Rhoten Information

Rhoten Genealogical Sites

Links with Rhoten in the domain name:

Other Rhoten Web sites

Origin of "Rhoten"

The origin of the name "Rhoten" seems not to be clear.  One old rumor is that it comes from the German word for "red".  That word is "rot", although Rhoten has many variations.  If you look long enough in phone books and genealogic records, you will see Rhoden, Rhodon, Rhoton, Rhuden, Rhuton, Rhutten, Roden, Rodden, Rotten,  Rotton, Ruton, Rutten, Rutton, Roughten and others.  Surprisingly it is more common than you might think in Britain.
At least two Rhoten's fought in the American Revolution.

According to www.placesnamed.com/R/h/rhoten.asp, Rhoten is the 18,971st most popular last name (surname) in the United States. percentile is 77.545

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Last change: February 4, 2010 by Wayne Rhoten SafeSurf logo